1084 – Baby Bassinet

According to mammalian neuroscience, the intimate contact between a mother and newborns even post-birth evokes neuro-behaviors ensuring fulfillment of basic biological needs. It’s during these initial moments and days that the foundation for future physiology and behavior is laid, all through the simple yet profound act of skin-to-skin contact (SSC) between a mother and her newborn. This time frame immediately post-birth may represent a ‘sensitive period’ for programming future physiology and behavior.

The Midmark 1084 baby bassinet for newborns offers safety for infants, facilitating effective caregiving by promoting skin-to-skin contact (SSC) by ensuring that the baby is under constant supervision and in reach of the mother. Its highly practical design simplifies the process for both caregivers and mothers in attending to the needs of newborns, thereby providing state-of-the-art equipment for the maternity units.